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Study. You have to




When you study with your text book, take notes. It will help you remember the little details that might seem minuscule now but will pop up on a test, quiz, or even the final exam.


Try turning the subsection headings (those words in green) into a question to help you better understand what you're about to read. Another great thing to remember, and something you'll learn on day one, is SPRITE.


This acronym stands for Social, Politics, Religion, Intellect, Technology, and Economics. Using this will help you sort out your information as you read through the textbook.  

Never cram! This will only harm you. Try studying in a quiet environment for an hour and a half instead of around your TV, laptop, and phone for several hours. Don't intend to read the entire chapter the night before the test. As Mr. Bruns told us, "At this point, you either know it or you don't." 

To prepare and study for the essays, you'll need to use several tactics. The first of which applies to the DBQ Essay which is SOAPS. This stands for Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and Subject. It is important to use these when planning your DBQ essay and showing you can effectively analyze the documents given.


SPRITE can also be used with the DBQ essay to group your documents, as you have to group them into three groups based on the prompt. Utilizing SPRITE will make this much easier.


I used it on my own essay and trust me, it works. SPRITE can also be helpful when it comes to your Compare and Contrast and your CCOT.


While studying for your CCOT, make sure to address both the changes and continuities  It's pretty easy to just focus on one and not the other. Something extremely helpful for preparing for the essays is a study book for AP World History. And try to get it as early as you can. This can help you study for both your essays and the rest of your exam!


It's best to get the most recent one but even one from previous years will be helpful in analysis of documents and showing how to best set up and tackle your theses and paragraphs. 

​If you ever decide to set up a study group for this class, keep a few things in mind. The first is those who will be participating in the study group. If you really want to study and they really don't want to, then they really shouldn't be in your study group. Select people who are able to keep on task while you tackle studying for the test or exam, don't just limit the group to you and your friends. Be sure to include others who want to study as well.

Also, be sure to find a nice, quiet spot to study with as few distractions as possible. You don't want to be discuss the material for the chapter test and then find yourself drawn to the closest TV to watch that episode of that show you love. Because I know personally how easily that can happen. Try to make a goal and stick with it. Once you and your study group have reached the goal for the day, feel free to treat yourself. 




The Essays â€‹


Study Group

earn that grade. 

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